The wait is over! Ladies and gentlepeople, allow me to introduce the second volume of the Bright Report. Another collection of humorous and sometimes fantastical short stories that cover different areas of human endeavor.
As you can see, I’m trying to keep the covers somewhat similar. Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
What is the Bright Report?
For more information about the series in general, please see my posts for Volume 1 and my launch video where I explain the basics.

In brief, the Bright Report is a fictional journal – each of the stories are written by a journalist with a distinct personality and area of specialization. In Volume 2 we meet the following:
- Arden Stanswobble, head writer for the music desk.
- Madam E.R. Geist, clairvoyant and lead writer for the paranormal desk.
- Fan Dumont, chef and chief food writer.
- Bruno Brash, collector of unusual miscellany and head writer for the antiques section.
- Carmichael Carmichael, renowned explorer and head writer for the travel desk.
Each story attempts to find the human in the absurd – this is the motto of the Bright Report.
Is It for Me?
While these are comedy short stories, the humor is never at the expense of the ‘human factor’. If you like the works of Sir Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams, for instance, you are likely to enjoy the strangeness here (not that I am comparing myself to these giants).
Furthermore, if you enjoy stories that have something deeper hiding within them, then the Bright Report is for you! Whether these ‘extras’ you seek are hiding in metaphor or meta-plot, there is something for you here.
There is a slightly darker edge to the stories in Volume 2 (compared to Volume 1, that is). This may be because of some personal turmoil (yeah, it’s been a strange time), but it won’t be so much as to dim the joy in the stories. At least, I hope not.
If you’ve read Volume 1 or 2, please let other readers know what to expect in the comments below. This will really help me out.
Still not convinced?
How about I read you one of the stories – entirely for free!
What did you think? Please let me know in the comments.
About Volume 1
Thank you to all those who took a chance on Volume 1 of the Bright Report. Your feedback has been vital to my growth as a writer. I hope that you will stay with me on my writing journey. Writing is – after all – a lonely profession. The sting of loneliness is lessened if you know that one of your stories is speaking to someone somewhere out there.
If you haven’t picked up Volume 1 yet, never fear. It is available at the links below (or from the Amazon website relevant to your country).
Stand a chance to win a copy of Volume 1 in the upcoming Goodreads Giveaway! From the 8th of June, enter below to stand a chance at winning an eBook copy.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Bright Report
by Marcel M. du Plessis
Giveaway ends June 25, 2021.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Links and Things
If I won you over, or if you need more information, please follow the links below. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts – please share them in the comments below. Also, if this seems like something that a friend might like, please consider sharing this post.
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