I’ve been hard at work on my next project, The Bright Report! Since finishing my literary novel before the world went into lockdown, I’ve been working on various other projects. I’ve always wanted to write a fantasy epic (and I’m busy doing that, watch this space), but most of all, I’ve always wanted to be published.
Symphony has been stuck in query hell. The pandemic certainly didn’t help things, as I’m sure that publishers have been inundated with many a hopeful email. It’s at a stage now where I would appreciate even a rejection letter – at least that would be an indication that someone has read it.
But, this is all much of a muchness and not the point of this post.
Book Announcement

It is my pleasure to announce The Bright Report, being a collection of superlative articles by the publication’s superlative journalists and contributors. This is a collection of short stories written by the fictional journalists of a fictional publication.
Each story covers a certain area of culture (art, literature, sport, etc.), but these are not your run-of-the-mill news stories. The stories are comedic and uncanny. The journalists cover wildly unusual stories in a straightforward fashion.
Whether it is the Patagonian Giant Snail Race or a reclusive author with a Lovecraftian secret, the writers of the Bright Report strive to bring you – their beloved readers – an authentic human story.
If you like whimsical short stories with hidden depths, I urge you to give this little book a try. A sample chapter will be available closer to launch.
The book will be available from Amazon in softcover or as a Kindle eBook in January 2021. Links and more information will be shared here on the blog, so be sure to like, subscribe, or set a reminder.
Indie Publishing
I will be publishing this book myself. This is something I’ve been hesitant to do ever since I started writing. I have/had nothing against the independent publishing industry, don’t get me wrong. I just feel that I needed the acknowledgement of an agent or publisher that my work is ‘good enough’.
But in these times, where I don’t even get a ‘no thank you’, I figured that it was time that I took control of my own career. The thinking is: if I can garner some success as an indie author, I might be in a better position to negotiate with an agent or publisher in future.
This is where the Bright Report comes in. I want to give you something that’s not only of good quality, but also something entertaining. Judging by the hits short stories like Jargon get on this site, my readers enjoy my more comical short stories.
If you are one of these readers, I can highly recommend the Bright Report.
Coming Very Soon
The book is almost ready! I’ve been writing and rewriting it to the best of my ability, but I won’t release it until it is as polished as I can make it.
The book contains five short stories with a bunch of added extras. It will also be the first in a series of volumes, each with new and exciting stories that are intended to flesh out a shared universe.
I will post regular updates on my blog, so be sure to subscribe or follow me on Twitter.
Until then, I’d like to hear from you. Would you be interested in the Bright Report? Are you an indie author? Please share your experiences below.