Upcoming Releases

books by Marcel M du Plessis

Dear readers, friends, and new fans. Thank you for the amazing support for the first volume of the Bright Report! While there is still a long way to go in terms of exposure and reviews, you have shown me that there is a chance. Your feedback and reviews help me to become a better writer.

It has been several months since my last post. This is due to a few things (a busy schedule and personal turmoil), but mostly because I’ve immersed myself in writing. As such, there are two more projects soon to be released!

I’d love to know what your thoughts are on these.

Volume 2

I am making the final touches to the second volume of the Bright Report. I’m excited about this one. I love making people laugh and I believe there are a few good moments in this upcoming selection.

Not sure why, but some of the stories are a tinge darker this time around. Don’t know if this has anything to do with where I’m at mentally, but don’t worry. It isn’t dark enough to dim the ‘brightness’ of the stories – so to speak.

This time the topics include:

  • Music
  • Cuisine
  • Travel (yes, part 2)
  • Paranormal
  • Antiques

There will – of course – be a few more added extras at the end. Including another cryptic message…

The Bright Report Volume 2 is available in eBook and Paperback on the 4th of June 2021. Pre-orders for the eBook version are now open.

Have you read Volume 1? If yes, what do you think? Please comment below.

The Silent Symphony

This is the big one. This is the culmination of six+ years of writing, rewriting, and editing. I finished the Silent Symphony just before the apocalypse last year. As such, I have had no luck with agents and publishers – seriously, not even a single rejection letter.

My first instinct was to hold out until I heard something (anything) back, but we live in crazy times. Thanks to the learning experience that was publishing Volume 1 of the Bright Report, I feel confident enough to launch this book on my own.

It won’t be easy and I will need your help. If you like the kind of stuff I write and post, please let me know if you’d be interested to be a part of my Launch Team. It won’t cost you a penny and you might get a free book out of it. Please let me know here, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

More info will become available when we get closer to the release date.

The Silent Symphony will releasing in eBook and Paperback format on the 2nd of July 2021. The eBook version is now available for pre-order.


I will be doing book releases for both of these projects! Just like last time, I will be reading an extract from each of them. Please pop in and ask me anything! More details to follow closer to the respective release dates.

Until next time, keep writing.

Your thoughts...